Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Starcraft 2 sucks, here's why.

Before I get into this "why Starcraft 2 sucks review", do me a quick favor.  Let's customize our hotkeys in Starcraft 2.  Come on, it'll be fun!

Ok so I'm logging into SC2 now, I click options, I click hotkeys, but wait. I can't seem to customize my hotkeys. This can't be right. It won't let me do it. Hmm, is it a bug?  I checked the web and it seems other people are frustrated as well.  I'm dumb founded. What game have you ever played that didn't let you customize your hotkeys?  A little bit of research shows why the great folks at Blizzard don't want you to customize your hotkeys.

You gotta pay son!

You thought customizing your hotkeys would be free? Boy, are you stupid. For around $25.00 you can get this brand new keyboard that will allow you to customize your hotkeys. This is wrong, so wrong.  This leads me to my next point of why starcraft 2 sucks. 

Terran SCV

Building SCV's, one of the most important parts of Starcraft 2.  But if it's so important why did Blizzard make it so difficult to do?  Your command center only let's you queue up five at a time for production.  But why?  You need thirty SCV's to take full advantage of your resource fields  The logical conclusion is to have your command center queue up and pump out thirty SCV's WITHOUT a mineral requirement.

But Blizzard wants you to keep going back to your command center throughout the entire game.  They call this "skill", I call it a WASTE OF TIME.  I remind you that this is a non-combat related activity.  Why would you want to get good at this?  If we were allowed to queue up a specified number of units we could then spend more time on combat, scouting, harassing, warring, etc.

Some of you may argue that you don't want to continuously pump out SCV's, then don't.  The important thing is for us to have the option to do so if we prefer.  The game should encourage combat not this mundane non-combat related activity of having to constantly hotkey to your command center to build something.

Zerg Queen & Hatchery 

I'll keep this one short.  The Queen spawns larva onto the hatchery.  Naturally you want to assign a queen to do this automatically.  I searched and searched but did not find a way to auto assign spawn larva to the hatchery.  Why? Why did they do this? This is a non-combat related activity.  Blizzard actually expects you to constantly hotkey to your queen to spawn larva.  And get this, they actually call this skill! I remind you that this is a non-combat activity. Why on earth would you want to get good at this?  This truly sounds like a broken mechanic.

Quick Break

Hit the q key as fast as you can on your keyboard. I'll do the same. We'll see who can hit these keys faster. Ready? Wait, wait, that's pretty retarded isn't it? Then why are you playing Starcraft 2?  

Keyboard Monkeys
It's a sad day in gaming when keyboard monkeying is considered skillful.  The keyboard is meant to be a communicative device to your application.  It's not supposed to be the primary form of entertainment unless you are playing a game that seeks to improve your keyboarding WPM skills.

Why is constantly hotkeying back to your base required?  Why can't you setup more unique and custom build orders to minimize the amount of non-combat related activity so you can then focus on the fighting?


Why can't I simply queue up upgrades even when I don't have the resources? Oh I know, they want you to constantly come back and check up on your  upgrade building. They call this skill.  This is a non-combat related activity.  Why would you want to get good at this?  You should be able to queue up upgrades WITHOUT having the minimum required mineral.  It should be queue up and forget unless the building is destroyed.  


It broke my heart.  When you finally get through all the non-combat related bull and get to the combat, something magical happens. I've never seen such well made combat units.  The actual combat takes skill. Mixing the right amount of units is very important as well as scouting and knowing what your enemy is doing. But alas, the combat is constantly hampered by the need for doing mundane non-combat related activity.

You can never truly enjoy a fight because the whole time you have to be babying your base through the extensive and excessive use of hotkeys.  You'll never get to truly enjoy a battle because you are always at the mercy of your APM, the background bullshit that should of been properly queued up in the first place and forgotten (unless your buildings were destroyed). 

 "Oh sweet Starcraft 2 combat, how I wish I could enjoy you. How I wish I could have the freedom to scout, the freedom to launch tier three and tier four attacks.  How I wish I could harass my enemy in peace with infestors. How I wish I didn't have to constantly hotkey back to my retarded base that is incapable of following custom build orders with the most retarded queue system found in any RTS game. "


Ritalin.  I can't think of any other way unless you want to spend years trying to master a broken mechanic.  

The combat is great in Starcraft 2 if you can bring yourself to do mundane babying of your base THE WHOLE TIME YOU'RE PLAYING. This kills the game.  There are many times I wanted to lay out a complicated battle plan to utterly destroy my enemy by luring him to his death. But taking time to fight will actually cost you the game because the more elaborate, epic and beautiful your combat tactics the more time it takes away from the forced babying of your retarded base.

Listen, I don't mind base building, but if I have to baby that base every 1.5 seconds then forget it. It's not worth it.


If this review has talked some sense into you, then shoot an email to Blizzard and ask for a refund.  They will gladly give you one because they realize that this game isn't for everyone. Only the people who want to frustrate themselves with keyboard monkeying.


Score: 6.5/10

Good: Great combat, diverse units allow a multitude of unique and complicated strategies designed to take your enemy by surprise with total devastation. 

Bad: Constant requirement of mundane babying of your main base due to a horrible build order system and broken queue system.  Many mundane activities should be automated but aren't.  Dated graphics and mediocre storyline. Blizzard should call Bioware and learn how to story write. Can't customize your hotkeys.


  1. this article is bad and you should feel bad

    1. Nope my friend.It is very very true! Starcraft is an AWESOME game...Or shall i say it was until it releashed its bastard child starcraft 2...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Nah. It's actually a great/true review. The Starcraft series was never really good to begin with, it simply became popular because it was easy to LAN and the games were short. Plus the custom user map games made it all the more fun. Basically the ladder becoming somewhat enjoyable was a side effect. The game actually became popular with the Koreans because of the low system requirements, easy access and low graphics demands is gold. Then you could practically play the game for free with the right hacks, which made it even more popular.

      In other words, the Starcraft series has always been vastly overrrated. The game itself is very weak on the strategy side. Factually, it's 10% strategy and 90% tactics/3rd person shooter (there is a difference, look it up).

      I recommend Chess or Total War RTS games. Now those are challenging games that actually require heavy strategy.

    4. I agree much of this article zerogravx12 but I just can't help loling at how butthurt you are with anyone who had the slightest disagreement. You're no better than the fanboys themselves.

    5. Stupidity offends me. I could careless about Blizzard fanboys, it's the mindless part that grinds my gear. I mean it's really not that difficult to think and understand the different between strategy and tactics... Even a fucking 5th grader can. There are simply too many mentally handicapped gamers these days, they are ruining the industry. Gaming companies don't care as long as they get their money, so someone has to care about the stupid and getting rid of it.

    6. So no, it has nothing to do with "butthurt". btw I stopped using that term "butthurt" in Middle school.. Along with the rest of the mature people I know and even others that I've met over the internet. I'm afraid you're the only one stuck in the Middle school lack of maturity section there, little girl.

      Has more to do with fighting to save the intelligence of unsuspecting gamers by educating them properly like I, and others, have been doing.

    7. You are rating Starcraft against genres of games that are completely inconsistent with the RTS genre. You obviously consider yourself so superior to everyone else, but you can't even understand game genre? You are trying to argue that Starcraft takes no skill, and is inferior to chess and Total War. (which is like saying Axis and Allies is inferior to Magic the Gathering, there is just no good way to rate them against each other objectively) The simple fact is, it's a game, there are rules. If you can't win, you have less skill at the game. You can write the game off as crappy and broken, but basically you are saying "I suck at it", which you clearly do. I agree with the article in that the "skill" involved is mundane, and the carryover of this mundane from SC1 is unfortunate. However you lose all credibility when you nearly troll in your baseless denial that Starcraft 1 was a good game. Starcraft took the ideas from Warcraft and similar RTS games of its time and gave it a unique personality, style. The story surrounding SC1 is compelling, and the atmosphere and design is incredible, along with an incredible soundtrack from Matt Uelman. You severely downplay one of the most incredible aspects:player level-editing, which is clearly a huge portion of the future of PC gaming even today. (consider the workshop on Steam)There is plenty of strategy, it just so happens that once you break down the meta-game at its highest level, the most difficult aspects to master are mundane tasks and anticipation of what your enemy does. Starcraft was not appealing simply because it was functionally convenient, as you claim. Saying "low system requirements" were a factor is a wild guess, because the concerns for system requirements in the 90s were not at all the mess they are today, and Starcraft came at a time when South Korea was already jumping ahead of the U.S. in its internet and computer fascination. Koreans played Starcraft because it was fun and appealing. They didn't just play it because it was the only thing out there.

    8. If you are such a pseudo intellectual, you should ask yourself a question. If you say that Starcraft is 10% strategy, what is strategy?

      All games have mechanics. Strategy is how you use the mechanics of your environment to achieve victory. If you favor Total War and Chess, your idea of strategy is basically a primitive idea of old military strategy (which is archaic, and by the way barely applies these days.. "here I'll stand in a line and stab you, while you stand in a line and stab me! Hopefully our general picked the right direction/unit combination/number for us to travel or else we will get creamed!") I played Total War. It was boring and even more mundane than anything else I have ever played. The best part of Rome Total War was that it helps with Italian geography.

      The bottom line is what I said above, and this even applies to the article. A game has rules. Period. If you don't know how to the manipulate the rules so you are consistently in a superior position, you simply are not as good as the game. The article is very accurate in saying SC2 and SC1 have a mundane metagame based on APM, ramping correctly, and scouting. But the result of this mundane activity can be very fun when you end up on top. I'm certainly not very good at Starcraft myself, and I hate losing, but I think it is a lot of fun. I hate SC2 more for its stupid story and complete abandonment of the epic style of Blizzards epic days. Everything from the voices of the units to the terrain is iconic in its unique style and atomsphere, and the new game seems to rot of WOW's filth, just like Diablo 3.

    9. Not only is this article awful, but you're obviously terrible at Starcraft2 as well

  2. There is a special place in hell for people who wreak of ignorance

    1. Exactly. You'd be hard-pressed to find a Starcraft/Blizzard gamer that doesn't wreak of pure ignorance and stupidity. Glad this review laid it out.

  3. This review is terrible and the author of the review is a simple minded imbecile that can't grasp the concept of economic timing and prowess being a part of the strategy game genre. Go play more MW2 and leave an intelligent game to intelligent people please.

    1. It is easy to tell the author is a "simple - minded imbecile". How, you say? simple. his comment on queuing up SCVs shows how inconceivably dumb he only queue up ONE at a time so you can use the rest of the money to do other things faster..if you have 2 SCVs queued up at the same time, you are wasting fifty minerals that could be used some where else. there was also a comment that said this game was only 10% strategy and 90% tactics, there for its a weak strategy game. I find this funny because its well known that chess is 99% tactics and yet its still known as a strategy game.

  4. I really enjoyed this article.

    A prime example of sarcastic trolling. Bravo

    1. Nope. The article is in reality a prime example of a normal intelligent person's review of a pathetic excuse for a strategy game, the Starcraft series. Go back to banging your keyboard and fooling yourself into believing it requires "strategy" and "skill", monkey.

  5. Replies
    1. Only in your dreams, kiddo. Sorry to burst your bubble of ignorance.

  6. Gee, why bother. It's obvious you're not interested in PLAYING the game, you want automation where it doesn't belong.

    Really, a lame list of lame items.

  7. Sure is fanboy down in this comments section.

    Sounds more like the reviewer has actually played other RTS games rather than ravenously waiting for Blizzard to release one.

    Command and Conquer comes to mind, allowing you to queue up hundreds of units that you can't even afford, so that your base will work for you while you fight.

    It's not really automation, it's a form of management that requires deeper thinking and planning, and less twitchy return-to-base gameplay.

    Most other modern RTS games allow this, as well. It really isn't "skill" to jam a hotkey and slap down a build order every 14 seconds and the winner is the guy who DIDN'T forget once or twice. Just play Memory if that's what you want.

    In the meantime, you could play C&C where the thought pattern is closer to how you would really issue commands. "Build 17 tanks 3 rocket troops, and a 6 jets, if you run out of materials, wait for materials. I have a battle to command."

  8. I mostly agree with the review; Starcraft 2 could have been a really great real time strategy game but the fact that you have to use hot keys a lot kinda kill the fun in the long run...

    The guy who is better at managing and organising hot keys win in this game; battle plans and micro strategies are less relevelant at winning then beeing better at clicking your key board. Doing many units as fast as you can and beeing able to manage a huge economy is the way to go wathever you build. Of course there is some counters but even then if you manage to build more stuff then your oponent you can 'counter' your counters (tons of marines using stim pack and charging into siege tanks).

    The Starcraft 2 economy is tedious and building your base takes a lot of attention and in addition, the paste of the game is fast leaving few moments to command your troops; if you focus too much on it your economy will sucks and you will fall behind thus leading most of the time to a situation where wathever you do your oponent will get back in a matter of seconds and overwhelm you with many units. It is a macro game and you can only really micro in the few starting minutes of the fight when 'rushing' is possible after that its a race to a better economy until someone gets a larger army and forces a GG; all this happens of course with APM wich requires a few decisions and a tons of clicks on your keys...

    So yeah, less clicking around and more focus on the battles would have been more fun in my opinion. I also dont really enjoy all the rushing there is in this game; there is a ton of cheesy, fast and easy ways to win... Scouting helps but even if you do so you can be unlucky with it or get caught out of your base by 2 void rays that then get enough time to charge on your buildings and finally rape half of your base and army >_>

    I still find ways to enjoy the game but it could have been better gameplay wise; a good game but certainly not a perfect game like most reviews pretend.

    1. Not only more fun, it would force the player(s) to actually use strategy. Instead it's practically a 3rd person shooter game that relies on decent reflexes and build orders rather than heavy strategy.

  9. Geez I meant to say the PACE not the tooth paste lol >_> Bad english from a foreigner can always sound funny :P

    PS: They should let people edit their posts!

  10. @Gabriel_legault

    Well, thats your opinion, which sides with the minority.

    So, its not a pretend -_-
    Now, to the real comment.

    There are different kinds of ways to call "skills" in different games. Just like all FPS doesn't require you the same skill in every FPS. Just like that RTS does not allow you to have a skill from a different game to come to their own game. Its blizzard's game we're talking about and as we know, all blizzard games needs high APM and concentration. If you can't cope up with it, then this is when your limit of multimanaging. Starcraft itself has always been like this and of course, who would want a game to be all like Command and Conquer (Especially the 4th one, the shittest, least skill taking ever). Command and Conquer IS good. Especially the Generals. However, not all games are the same and not all games are slow-paced games. Starcraft is meant to be a fast paced games making you to be at 100% concentration or lose.

    And also to remind you, if you like CnC, then go for CnC and play with your CnC4. If you like SC2 then go play for it. Isn't it the reason why there are different kinds of RTS games in the world? IF you can't cope with the pace of SC, then go play other games, its not as if, SC is the only game out there.
    Every game uses different design formula.

    Oh and btw, if you guys complain about losing because you think you can't do hot-key type play style, you just suck. When I first played it without Hot-keys, it was still fine and I was able to keep up with the pace.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. lmao you actually referred to your retarded comment as "the real one".

      Well, overwhelming12 (fanboy of Blizzard much?), you're entitled to your *own* minority opinion, regardless of how insigficant and idiotic it is.
      I recommend playing RTS games outside of Blizzard, where the real strategy games are found.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.


    The first 2 weeks were fun and then I realized playing is no fun but winning, and ur building the base within 30 minutes and battle is just 3 minutes, thats so boring. And its so damn right, that u cant enjoy the battle because pissard want you to babying the base widuring a fight, how stupid is that. This game is no fun at all after 2 weeks, the enemy who does more clicks and hits on the keyboard wins - how stupid. You know whats a thousand times better? Chess. It requires strategy and u have time to think. And it requires real skill and is fun through the whole game. Think about it., One thing left: I was a zerg player, what a complete retareded bullshit is this manual queen larva?!?! Sorry mates, SC2 nothing but sucks.

    1. Agreed. Your grammar is poor, but your point is 100% true.

  12. Best review ever! I had high hopes for SC2 and I really hoped they had upgraded the engine to do more mundane tasks. I know you fanboys would had defended Blizzard no matter what. You say mundane tasks is a part of the game? Why not go back to WC1 mechanics? Pressing M to move, and so on. Now, that require keypressing-skills to master!

    So let's all hope SC3 will share WC1's game mechanics, then all Blizzard fanboys will be so happy :)

    1. The Starcraft series is an insult to all the other respectable RTS games out there =(. Total War RTS games are so much better for many major reasons.

  13. What I lol at even more than feeding the trolls is when people agree with the trolls. Some people here actually listen and agree with what he is saying.

    A few things:
    A "button mashing" game is considered good.
    All good RTS games require base management. Automatic building would make it unplayable, since you cannot possibly get the fine control playing even decently requires.
    You just proved my point with your chess statement. Chess is about strategy. Whoever wrote this article was complaining about there being STRATEGY in a real-time STRATEGY game. If you want to move two or three units around, play Diablo. The base management is what makes the game fun. Combat is a bit of an afterthought.

    Also, in chess, you DON'T have time to think. You have a timer for a reason. You obviously don't play, because the entire point is making the best decisions as quickly as possible. Exactly like the point of SC2.

  14. I've been playing SC2 for a while now and I have to admit that many parts of the game are annoying and tedious. For example I may want to make roaches over a period of three minutes. I literally am spamming that key the entire time I'm fighting. Spam the key to make roach, fight, spam the key to make roach, fight. All because I want the roach to come out 1 second faster. But is that a true test of skill? I'm spamming the f'ing keyboard.

    If I could right click the roach icon as an auto cast to continuously pump out roaches that would be ideal, then I could focus on the fighting freeing up my keyboard. Spamming keys is pretty lame. Why would anyone want to get good at this?

    I hate to admit it but the reviewer is spot on.

    1. Precisely.

      The SC series is an insult to the other respectable RTS games out there.

  15. -a button mashing game is considered good

    Incorrect. A high amount of superfluous key-pressing is indicative of poor game design.

    -good rts games require base management

    Incorrect. RTS games that are actually, objectively good seek to minimize base management as much as possible.

    -all blizzard games require high APM

    This is because all Blizzard games are objectively bad.

    The ideal interface is the one the user never notices. Interfaces serve one, and only one purpose: to facilitate gameplay. Therefore the most intuitive interface is the best. These are not opinions. This is basic game design, and Blizzard's employees are fools and cowards for allowing the idiots and villains who play their games to dictate how they make them. Consumers rarely, if ever, know what they want, much less need.

    1. Exactly. Glad to know there are other intelligent gamers out there. Take care of yourself, sir, for we are a rare breed.

  16. This is actually a very good article. The author is correct on all accounts, he even compliments Blizzard for making the combat good. I do agree, the user-interface is extremely outdated, Blizzard didn't even try to improve it aside from the improve grouping system. What's more, the units....they devolved... My God! I miss the Arbiter, Lurker, Scout, Science Vessel, Dark Archon, Defiler, Wraith, Firebat, and Valkyrie units so much!

  17. if anything i thought this review was to nice this game is a joke. i coughed up $60 bucks to buy this game brand new and in 2 days sold it to one of my friends who did the same thing. one of my most favorite parts of the game they forgot about............ THE STORY weak and you can only play as humans wtf? by the way there is only like a few new units. star craft 2 as far as i am concerned was a crappy expansion of star craft 1 i waited 10 years for this joke of a game seriously screw blizzard the only game they care about any more is WOW. congratulations they reinvented a game. by the way you would think star craft 2 would have some awesome custom games like the last blizzard rts game does frozen throne ummm nope.i would have preferred them make star craft ghost and can star craft 2 if i knew it was going to be this bad i am so disappointed.

    1. You forgot that 2 expansions are coming (of which I already own the first). Besides, I like the game (albeit not for any strategical value)

  18. it is not always about battling. also I have heard people say this game will be two easy cause of all the advancements from sc1. lets see the author play this game and then think about the difference between the two games.

  19. "Incorrect. A high amount of superfluous key-pressing is indicative of poor game design."

    Incorrect. "superfluous key-pressing" is what separates those that practice from those that don't. It's where the whole "skill" thing comes into play.

    "Incorrect. RTS games that are actually, objectively good seek to minimize base management as much as possible."

    Incorrect. RTS games that minimize base management become so easy as to be boring. Their is no division between someone who has played for a year and someone who has played for a month.

    "This is because all Blizzard games are objectively bad."

    Incorrect, yadda yadda yadda, you get the idea. You can state these bad opinions of yours as facts all you want, but it doesn't make them any more true than what I or anyone else says.

    1. I'm assuming this post is a joke because nobody can be that dumb. Just saying.

  20. "Command and Conquer comes to mind, allowing you to queue up hundreds of units that you can't even afford, so that your base will work for you while you fight."

    Spoken like someone who truly just doesn't get RTS games. No wonder you agree with this review.

    If you were to play online in the manner you suggest, you lose every game against someone who had an inkling of an idea of what they were doing.

    If you don't understand why the idea of queuing up multiple units/upgrades/whatever to be made when you don't even have the resources is a bad idea, then you don't understand a fundamental part of RTS games.

    Not that their is anything inherently wrong or bad about this, just don't try to judge RTS games with your flawed perspective.

  21. Yeah! Also, buildings should come pre-made and all of your military should be made automatically. Building an army is a *non-combat* activity. In MY ideal world, we should just highlight an army, right-click on the other army, and watch the combat. Because FUCK strategy, thinking is too hard.

  22. To me, the fact that hotkeys are completely different than in the first part isn't a good look. Getting used to it takes a while. Is it possible that this is language related (I'm currently playing the Polish version but downloading the english image, hoping it will help ;P )?

    Anyway, apart from that, this fool clearly hasn't played BroodWar in his life.
    Bashing the game for what we all loved in SC:BW - micro and macro management. And over here, we don't care about WPM. You have to have high APM!

    Having to do several tasks at once is indeed something difficult, but this game actually teaches you multilevel thinking at once.

  23. Ok, old thread but I'm going to bump it. If anyone here ever played Rise of Nations.. Excellent RTS game. They had many functions that allowed you to queue up but you still had to micro manage. I too do not like playing SC2 pvp. I just suck at it. I can manage my base or control my units but have trouble doing both. The base management is overbearing and some multitask better than other, that's just a fact. I only now play the custom games and I'm burned out on them. I think they added too many bells and whistles, and overlooked some basic game play, imo.

  24. I was thrown off from SC2 just by the way it looked. It lost the soul which was in SC1 and Brood War. It lost it.

    Aside from that, I played the game only a little bit and would have too little to contribute when it comes to reviewing gameplay.

    It feels like Warcraft III, and I didn't like that game either.

  25. wow bad article.

    At the 'competent' level of play, everyone knows what units are best. It's not skill to mix and match what units to use, and there are custom games you can play to do that anyways.

    The game is not about what units you make or what you do. It's how you get there, and when you get there. Everyone knows marine/tank is best vs zerg, but opening with early mass marine, and then into a time you are weak due to making workers, but having your early marines still, into a strong 2 base economy to pump out marines and tanks to hit at the 11:30 mark is a strong attack.

    Thats the difference. Low level players don't understand these concepts, but basically it's always a choice of workers & production buildings, which leave you weak early on, but much stronger later on, vs lots of units now, but not have the economy or tech to be strong later.

  26. Also to point out how stupid the poster is - There's a menu option called "Hotkeys" under the "Options" tab. Anyone can change the hotkeys for free.

    By the way, everyone knows you need to do 'mundane' things like make workers constantly, queen injects, et cetera. First off, if you are queuing more than 2 workers, that means you are bad and lack multitasking skill. However this means lower level players can simply queue up workers, while higher level players will only make 1, spend the money he has, and when that 1 is done, make another workers, and get what he wants out earlier and quicker than the lazy player.

    It also makes harassment much easier. It sounds to me that your just a bad videogame player who just wants to always win without deserving it. In this game, yea, everyone wants mass battlecruisers. But the good player will harass the other player, forcing them to maybe forget to build workers, so that they themselves will have more workers, get the mass Battlecruisers out faster, and win.

  27. SC2 is no fun. Not rewarding for the casual players.
    Games should be fun.
    This one is only frustrating.

    1. It's not really frustrating. All you need to memorize is build orders and tactics, no real strategy involved from an actual RTS view. Any intelligent person can tell you that tactics and strategy are two very different things. Squad tactics isn't on par with overall strategy. Micro-management = tactics aka not as complex as strategy. Macro-management and long-term planning (which SC2 severely lacks) = strategy. In other words, you don't require long-term planning for SC2, the battles and matches simply do not last long enough, including the limited gameplay options.

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  33. the reviewer is just one who was a newb, raged cause he lost his 1st game, and posted this. it is clear that he is angry because micro doesn't matter as much as macro(the ability to build armies). well, doesn't that kinda make since? i mean rly, who should win, the better commanded 5 marines, or the guy who uses his apm on macro, and has the less commanded 10 marines. the 10 marines should win. and after he loses with his 5, he should know that its because he is probably 1 base building out of 1 barrack 10 minutes into the game, so with a trash econ, how can u build an army?
    also making structures build armys by themselfs is retarded, because that takes out most of the games and the rest is micro AFTER the army is made.

    im just saying that he has shit macro, and now is complaining about the game, when the game is perfectly normal and quite frankly an amazing game.

  34. Having waited to buy this game, I feel more ripped off than most. I just bought this piece of shit. Lets start with the beginning, it is SC1 with a sloppy face lift, if I wanted to pay for a a 50 year old prostitute with a face lift at least give me a damned discount. And this game has nothing but botox. At best this is supreme commander with a faster paced 'rush' ideal. Build in one of maybe three unit types in every race and ball up and throw. Kind of like throwing a ball of paper at a trash can. Ball up a piece of paper, cardboard or spitball and throw at the other guy. Rinse and repeat. Every person that I have heard talk omg this is the greatest game ever, grand master chess players covet this game, no longer play. At best this game is a PS2 game gone horribly wrong. Prove me wrong, g into any blah blah blah gam and watch the game winner. It is always the person that masses (insert race cheap unit) balls them up and as the 'grand masters' say creates a 'death ball' and throws them at the opponent. There is no strategy here other than micro. And if you are a micro strat fan that believes if I click more I win than this is the game for you. If you want a chess game of back and forth thoughtful tactics however, this is like playing pacman. Rush or be rushed by the ghosts. That is pretty much the game. Rush with said unit or tech to race uber unit and rush. Oh and they actually included a single player campaign to sell this to the mass market. Although they have spent at least equal amounts of money on the marketing touting this as the modern chess as they did developing this game. I'd rather blizzard asked me to pay a one time let me see the cut scenes into a movie instead of bullshitting this game as the next star craft in the saga.

    But on a positive note, they really really really marketed this game in only throwing out the Terran campaign. They learned from campy World of war 'pay for my yacht' craft They sold out on game play and brought in wall street. Good on them I say. Way to forget your roots and sell out. In this economy we all gotta watch out for our selves. So keep making money making blah blah blah titles and selling them as the next great thing.

    p.s. I hope that your yacht sinks and your stocks plummet and you come back to reality. Ya know like the rest of us.

    Oh and p.s.s. I have SC3 for sale to you. It might look like SC1 but I scratched out the 2 and added a 3. Hire me?

  35. you sir, you are stupid
    games like these always are about managing your base and economy

    you bought the wrong game
    just go play something simple

  36. 100% agree with OP. This game fucking BLOWS. I am a VERY competitive RTS player, I was placed in platinum after my placement matches, the day the game came out. I played about 5 games after, won the majority.

    I am NOT looking to play a game to spam workers the entire fucking time.

    You morons call that "skill" fast you can press your hotkeys. that is really, really funny. I would say the only skill in this game is microing units, IN COMBAT. The worker, base builder, resource spam makes me sad. And eventually the combat turns into a blob of certain units thrown into a blob of other hopefully "countered" units, and whoever wins that is the winner.

    Counters in this game are pathetic. A whole pop cap of marines with fucking rifles shouldnt even dent a tank. You want a good, real, fun, and and skill - required game, play dawn of war 2.

  37. Great article and very true.

    @Forks_Rule - grats on being a brainwashed Blizzard fanboy. Actually, let me use a form of language that you can understand, "durr dadurdur". That means you couldn't recognize a bad game if your life depended on it and that you're stupid in the retard language, something you can understand.

    1. You know what zerogravx12; I'm no blizzard fanboy. I actually have disliked most Blizzard games to come out; I have both a positive and negative view on SC2 for various reasons I won't bother to state as it's not the reason for my post.

      You, are the reason for my post.

      Who the fuck do you think you are to bash so many people giving their opinions on a blog? Is the purpose of blogging and then commenting not to express ones views and opinions in perspective or retrospect to the OP's topic at hand?

      Since when did you become the all knowing god of knowledge? You are a U.S Marine according to your profile; and what a great example you are of the discipline a Marine should have. The discipline to bite his tongue is something all Military Personnel are trained to do and you obviously lack in that training. I think you need to come down off your high horse, and stop attacking, sometimes very personally, people who disagree with your point of view.

      The world is not black and white, but your mindset really seems to be. Constructive criticism isn't a bad thing, it provokes intelligent debate. All you are doing it making YOURSELF look like an asshole. If that was your plan, congrats. Mission Accomplished.

  38. I find games that test your skill are the most challenging, and therefore most rewarding. StarCraft II is a very difficult game to master. Once you finally get to a new league, you get a very strong sense of accomplishment. I believe that this game is the most rewarding game I have ever played, and the most challenging. It is a love-hate feeling I only get from things I love passionately.

    1. I must agree that this game is challenging, but also that it is complete crap. it takes 0 strategy to play this game. everyone uses the same strats.. because everyone looks online for how to play..because no one can win without knowing the proper build orders.. because this game takes no skill to play. it is a game to see who can follow the most current build order the fastest, build orders perfected time and again by Koreans who get paid to play and win and figure out the killer builds, please move this game out of the strategy category, and into the i click fast there for i win category. omg look for total war and company of heros games if you want strategy of at least some kind.

  39. Good review...its not skill or talent to build up APM; it's muscle memory. Every human has it. Most humans don't have the patience to perform the same build order over and over until its burned into them so hard they're doing it in their graves. The sad fact is that at least half of the "skill" of starcraft is muscle memory, not thought. You could create the greatest build orders of all time but unless you can execute them with flawless precision, it doesn't matter.

    All you idiots saying how "you need the fine control this game offers to be skillful" are missing the point. We all accept that build orders exist. At the beginning of a SC2 match, for at least a minute, there's not much going on at all. What's wrong with being able to input your entire build order right then and there and having the game follow that set of commands? It would allow you to focus more on controlling the units...isn't micro supposed to be the skill part? No, instead, you constantly have to be interrupted literally every second to do some sort of base management activity. Base management is nothing but a skill less drain on your concentration that's being used for other parts of the game, with the only way to overcome it being to just do it over and over and over repetitively until it no longer requires concentration. Once again, learning to do this is not a skill; everyone can do it (driving), but not everyone can stand repeating the same mundane action over and over. So if you can, congratulations, you're a boring asshole who enjoys repeating a thoughtless activity endlessly.

  40. Wow, its like a troll feeding ground. For all of you scrubs making yourselves look stupid you cant just 'input your entire build order in the first 1 minute' because the 'SKILL' and 'STRATEGY' part is being able to alter your build order instantly, on the fly to counter what your opponent is planning. Go ahead and input your build order ahead of time, that's like choosing your chess moves ahead of time with no regard for the game itself - Unskillful and Scrub as hell. And no one with any brains is even going to bother explaining this to you because you are too stupid anyway, i just took the chance because there are so many of you here in one place and its sad to see you make yourselves look like such a bunch of pissy school children in wet socks.

  41. let the nerd rage continue

  42. I bought this game being a long time sc1 player, and I to be honest, I like it in the way that it's a polished regurgitation of the first game. Don't get me wrong it is a good game I like the campaign, good length and always love blizzards story's. As for the post in question I agree and disagree....yes this game has done little to better itself from its predecessor, and it's also funny how it takes a "skilled"(aka: rabid crack keyboard smashing player) but is that all that different from the first one, so I look down on sc2 for its bad designs not because it's wrong but because they haven't advanced the formula in over a decade. Being able to have a multiple build-order queue sounds good but it just not starcraft, the games DNA was set in the first and will evolve no doubt, but it will always be the same, and apparently millions like it that way. I don't fault the poster for his opinion but this is obviously not his game, I am unhappy with the game for other veterancy among one but that's fine because my gripes won't change shit and neither will anyone else's.

  43. I just want my ghosts to be cool again. They used to be cool. What happened? I can get maybe one or two stalkers in a single EMP but ONE High Templar can take out an entire area of my troops with one storm. The game was better when it first came out, then they started messing with the dynamics to appease the top 1% of players. WRONG!

  44. The author is probably the type of guy that thinks C&C4 is an amazing step in RTS evolution. The entire blog reaks of trolling and zero thoughtput. This blog has zero thought as to why things work the way they work in Starcraft. This is the worse blind hate blog I have ever read. 0/10.

  45. starcraft 2 is not a strategy game..FACT

  46. I was googling for how CnC 4 sucks (out of curiosity, since I actually own CnC4 but don't like it) and accidentally stumbled upon this post. Being a SupCom2, DoW2, C&C3, CoH and ofcourse SC2 gamer I decided to read through it...

    Seriously, what's with all the hate over here. There are indeed different kinds of RTS games which I wouldn't even want to have the same playing mecanic. If they had, it would just be the same stuff in another skin, which is, as you all agree I guess, retarded.

    I myself don't have high APM levels, which is why I am only in the middle rankings, but that doesn't mean I don't have fun. You can perfectly build your units away from base. Put your multiple barracks in a control group and regularly select that group to build units and whatnot. As for SCV building, I always put my Command Centers in group 0, with rally points set on minerals, then I tap 0 and build some SCV's (while still at the battlefield). They'll pop out and automatically go to work. What's the big deal?

    As for queen larva spawning, every race has a mecanic that requires you to go to your base to improve your economy. Protoss have their Nexus ability to speed up any production, Terran have M.U.L.E. and Zerg have larvae spawn. It's fair and requires some sacrifice in exchange for an edge. I still don't see the problem.

    What i'm saying is that different games require different approaches. And if you don't like a certain approach, then don't play the game at all. There are Demos out there to see if the playing style fits you. If not, don't buy it, period.

    Zero dude, you're a lot of work. Everyone has the right to give his opinion but you're stuck in your Black/White view. When somebody posts a post that shares your points, you agree and say the same things over again. If they post a disagreement, you go all crazy on them without even trying to put yourself in the perspective of the others.You talking trash don't help advance your point, so just try behaving like an adult, so we can all get along just fine without yelling/trolling/insulting over the blog. Math class always taught me that zero was neither negative nor positive :)

    KIND regards.

    P.S. don't bother answering, seeing as I stumbled upon this post accidentally, I probably won't be coming back, but I wanted to say this anyway :)


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